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How TMS Works



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School Partnership Established

A school looking to improve agrees to partner with TMS. Introductions are made. TMS Learns Culture & Goals of School

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School Needs Assessed

Individualized Tech Plan (ITP) Created by TMS after a Tech Audit is completed. It includes Agreed Upon Guarantees & Desired Outcomes, Timelines, etc. 

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ITP Developed & Deployed

Bulk of TMS Work is Done in Partnership with School for Free or at a small Subsidized Cost Depending on Scope of job

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Data Collection, Reflection, & Refinement

Individualized Tech Plan Revisited, Revised, & Reported to Stakeholders


Donors Discover TMS

Potential Donors & Partners learn about how Tech My School serves schools in Puerto Rico and ways they can help. 

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Donors Donate or Partner Up with TMS

501(c), Act 60, Act 20, Act 22 donors etc., give to TMS or reach out to TMS to inquire further about partnership opportunities. 

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Money Goes to Schools Transparently

All proceeds from donations goes toward the improvement of local schools with the help of Tech My School at no cost to the school. All contributions and work accomplished is transparently presented to donors in annual reports.

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